Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cougar Country - No Country for Old Men

I have been alerted to the fact i MAY be a does run in the family actually. I would almost be letting the women in my family down if i went for a man my age. I have had many jibes about loving younger men. Heck, my gran is the ultimate coug I have been told. So, I am still searching for Cougar Country, sort of the "gangsters paradise" for old ladies. I hope to have found it by the time I am 30..

I do find some younger guys a little bit attractive. But hey, I'm not alone. They are hot. 

( Cougar Alert = Affirmative)

Here is a compilation of some of my fav Cougys of ALL time...

Ok, so heres my Number 1 Coug - DEMI MOORE
If i could look that good and get a man 2 decades younger that is as hot as Ashton, I would too....

My Fav Number 2 Coug - IVANKA TRUMP.
After being married to "The Don" (featured earlier in Bad Hair), I'd want some young McLovin too. She married a 20 something year old. Shes in her 50's.... HIGH FIVE

This lady LOOKED like a Cougy (Lucky the photo is small)

Number 3 Coug - MADONNA. Now shes with Jesus Luz that hot 23 year old model. JESUS!

Now i know shes not strictly a coug, seeing as a coug is a Man/Women love tryst. But Portia is a hotty and much younger, so I thought I'd best include Ole El.

Love the makeup btw..

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