Monday, July 27, 2009

Flavour Flaaav - Somethin' shat on the floor

The video of the episode where " Somethin" Shits on the floor, then proceeds to not care

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sorry, Ive been busy

Well, i have been informed that there is a new chinese sunhat craze...
Have you ever been in awe by the numerous asians walking down the road with these crazy swivel down sun visors on, when its NOT actually THAT sunny.
John: Visor Up

John: Visor Down

Asians actually call these : 太阳帽
Which aparantly (once translated) mean "SUN-HELMET". Lol.

Solar Visor Madness

Now i bet youre thinking "This is MADNESS" or "Wow, they look fucking ridiculous"

Fashion Statement? I hope not...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gaga for Gaga

Yay Lady Gaga is WEARING PANTS!

Too bad about the rest haha

Lady GagaLady Gaga

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I found this.

Ok everyone of us has recieved something from some sort of african bank with a picture of a REALLY black guy, telling you that someone has dies and you are set to inherit 100 million dollars or some shit.

Anyway, this dude did us proud and REPLIED! What a fucking champion!
hahaha i loled all the way to my room...

If you have like ages, read the whole series. you will not regret it.

Love Asians

HAH! They do it EVERYTIME! Who does this shit???

Now this is a proper comp for how many people can you fit into a car simultaneously. Radical.

The rules were:

They had 3 minutes to get into the car and had to last 10 seconds with all the car doors shut. Not an easy task, but with all that Yoga, I’m sure they managed pretty well. We don’t know how many people fit into that car for the win, but what we do know is the winning team got a prize of 500 yuan. That’s about $73. But who are we kidding, it was never about the money!





Man they are cool.
And they wonder why they are jews?

Im pretty sure if i was a fish, Id notice all those legs!

LOL Epic Fail

Haha trust americans to do this. No wonder they are larger than life!

Pool Fun Japan Styles

Relaxing day by the pool anyone?

Only in Japan

Reasons not to go to sleep whilst drunk..

d plug


Shaving cream and banana


